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Remote Deposit Capture in 2022

Blog Post
July 6, 2022

RDC, or remote deposit capture technology, enables users to scan and deposit checks remotely. You can either upload a picture of your check with a smartphone or scan your check with an RDC scanner. RDC technology has become widely used in recent years thanks to the rise in work-from-home opportunities. Remote workers benefit especially by being able to upload checks wherever they happen to be working. Here’s what to know about remote deposit capture and how you can get started with the process.

Why RDC is Needed in 2022 (and Beyond)

While driving to the bank and depositing checks the old-fashioned way may have worked in the past, it has become an outdated model for transferring funds. In addition to the fact that more and more people are ditching paper-based payment methods in general, consumers are increasingly demanding remote options for deposits. They don’t just want to make electronic payments, they want to make them from home. RDC has stepped in to meet this need, offering users a wide range of benefits. The following are some of the reasons that RDC has gained traction and is continuing to shape the payments landscape in 2022.

It Simplifies the Check Deposit Process

RDC has fundamentally changed the way people deposit checks. Instead of having to visit the bank each time they want to make a deposit, they can simply upload a picture via their smartphone or scanning device. Needless to say, this is much less time-consuming than the traditional check deposit process.

It Enables Remote Work

It’s no secret that more people are working from home these days, and RDC can help companies that have transitioned to a remote workforce function more efficiently. Considering that remote work is only expected to expand in the coming years, it will be even more imperative for businesses to find the right tools and solutions for remote workers. Employees can easily deposit checks with an RDC scanner, no matter where they’re located.

It Can Save You Gas

One of the major, but often overlooked benefits associated with RDC is that it allows users to save money on gas. Having to constantly drive to the bank and back can really put a dent in your wallet over time, but by scanning and depositing checks remotely, you can stay off the road altogether. This can be particularly appealing for climate-conscious organizations that are looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

It Accelerates Processing

Checks that are deposited at the bank can take anywhere from one to five business days to clear. Checks deposited via RDC, however, are usually shuffled through the clearance process much quicker, as banks allow for later deposit cutoff times for RDC-uploaded checks. This can result in faster clearance times overall.

Determining Your Need For RDC

While remote deposit capture and RDC check scanners are undoubtedly beneficial for several reasons, you may still be hesitant to make the leap, especially if you’re coming from a much older, traditional check deposit system. Here are a few things to consider when determining whether or not RDC is right for your business:

  • The size of your remote workforce
  • The number of trips you make to the bank in a given period of time
  • What you can afford to spend on an RDC scanner
  • Your overall potential ROI

RDC certainly isn’t for everyone, and some businesses may decide that they’re better off sticking with traditional check deposit methods. However, if you have a hybrid or remote workforce and find that you’re making a lot of trips to the bank, it might be worth considering a new system. Remote deposit capture can open the door to new possibilities and business growth. It can be especially helpful in enabling your remote teams to do their jobs more efficiently.
Thinking of Getting Onboard with RDC?

There’s a lot to consider when transitioning to RDC. It can be challenging trying to decide how to get started with the process and what equipment to purchase. You want to be sure that your teams are fully prepared for the switch, and this might mean allowing for a transition period in which you utilize a hybrid deposit model. This can be a great way to help the more hesitant members of your team make the switch.

However, you choose to go about structuring your transition, having a trusted, experienced partner by your side can make all the difference in the world. Teksetra offers several different outsourcing services to help you get started with remote deposit capture, including consulting, hardware, software, tech support, IT support, procurement and fulfillment, and repair and maintenance. Teksetra also sells high-quality RDC scanners from brands such as Canon and Epson and can help you find the model that’s right for your business.

Reach out today to learn more about our RDC services and how we can help you make the transition to remote deposit capture!

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