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Church Projectors: 5 Questions to Ask to Get Started

Blog Post
December 4, 2020

Are you considering a projector for your church or house of worship? A high-quality video display can dramatically transform your sanctuary and church experience. Projector systems are also customizable to fit your needs and budget, which means there are several factors to consider. Let’s walk through the five most important questions to ask when selecting projectors for your church.

1. Where do you want to place your projector?

To figure out the placement, walk into your sanctuary and identify an accessible and open position for your projector. Mark this position with tape.

2. How large of a projected image would you like?

Next, identify the wall onto which you would like to project the image. From the tape to this wall is called your throw distance.

A throw distance is a measurement of the distance from the projection screen to the projector.

On the wall that you have selected, measure how large an image you would like projected. Depending on its location, you may even consider taping the outline and getting some other opinions from your leadership team or church members. Stand at the entrance, then where your congregation, worship team, and minister use the space. Testing all viewing angles will help you confirm your positioning and size choices.

If you already have a projector screen, measure its dimensions. Note that only the width measurement is necessary for an audiovisual specialist to assist you. And whichever method you follow, please be careful with the use of ladders. Knowing the throw distance and the projected image size will put you ahead of the game as you continue your search.

By dividing your screen’s measured width by the distance from which the projector will project, you get your throw ratio.

A throw ratio is the calculation of the width of the screen and the throw distance.

3. How much natural light does your space have?

Look around your sanctuary and see how much natural light it has. This will help determine the color brightness that you require in a projector. If you don’t have much light, you won’t need as much brightness. To help your audiovisual specialist, take some pictures of the space to demonstrate brightness and context.

4. How much maintenance would you like to do?

One of the most common complaints we hear about old projectors is that the bulbs require frequent replacements. Today, laser projectors are the norm, and for a good reason. They do not require this sort of maintenance.

When shopping for a professional projector for churches, be sure to read reviews and ask your audiovisual specialist which models are known to break or have issues. This can be a hindrance both from a time spent perspective as well as your church budget. You may also want to ask your church IT team if this is something they want to take on.

5. What is your budget?

Projectors have a significant range in price. To find the best projector for your church, identify your budget with your leadership team first.

These five basic questions will help you significantly on your journey to purchasing a projector for your church. If you have any additional queries along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out to the audiovisual specialists at Teksetra.

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