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Technology Assessments + Consulting

It can be tough to navigate the landscape of technology that drives your business. Teksetra is here to help.

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Could your technology be holding your business back? With so many devices spread throughout your business, it can be tough for anyone outside of IT to understand how each element works together to boost synergy or cause inefficiencies. At Teksetra, our mission is to help you make the most of your technology investments. With expert consulting and tech assessment services, we’ll help you identify what’s working for your business and what could be working against you.


Optimize Technology

No matter what devices your business relies on, there are hundreds of options out there. We’ll help you identify products that can increase efficiencies, simplify processes, and help you achieve your goals.

Embrace Best Practices

Get the expertise you need to stay ahead of the curve. Our professional team specializes in finding opportunities to boost security, maximize efficiency, and optimize workflow through technology.

Save Time + Money

You know what they say: Time is money. Finding the most effective technologies for your business can help you save time and maximize profitability while avoiding costly downtime or security breaches.

Mitigate Risks

As technology ages, it becomes more susceptible to malfunctions, breakdowns, and even security breaches. Optimizing your technology now can help mitigate these risks for years to come.

Our Assessment + Consulting Services

When it comes to making the most of your technology, it helps to have a second set of eyes on your side. Our expert team can provide professional insight into how effective your current technology is, as well as what steps you need to take to push your business to the next level. From initial planning to ongoing support, the Teksetra team is here to provide you with total technology support.

Expert Consulting

Our process begins with a deep dive into your business’s technology goals and challenges. Our technology experts can help you determine which devices will best meet your needs and your budget. We can also identify opportunities to provide any additional technology support you may need, including mergers and acquisition assistance, IT project management, and much more.

Hardware + Site Survey

Once we understand your business and its goals, we’ll conduct a thorough hardware investigation and site survey to determine which devices are meeting your needs and where you may need to optimize. Throughout this process, our team will identify any specific technologies that might be holding your business back or causing inefficiencies for your employees.

Risk + Repair Assessments

Since older tech is significantly more vulnerable to security breaches, a major portion of our investigation will be locating any potential risks in your current technology collection. We’ll also provide a free repair assessment to ensure your equipment repair plan is the most time- and cost-effective for your business.


After our assessments are complete, we’ll help you mitigate these risks and support your business with ongoing protection for years to come. We’ll provide recommendations of how to optimize and maintain your technology, highlight any security weak points, offer solutions to these vulnerabilities, and provide ways to keep up with industry best practices.


Once your team has determined which solutions you’d like to explore, we’ll help you develop a detailed timeline for accomplishing the work. Through our nationwide outsourcing program, Teksetra can provide expert equipment installation and repair and maintenance services on strict timelines, ensuring your business gets up to speed in record time.

Brenda G., Information Technology Security Officer, South Sound Bank
Diane F., Buffalo Schools

50 States. Thousands of Technicians.

Whether your challenge needs a quick fix or a complex solution, our team is here to help. Talk to one of our technology experts today.