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Which IT Solutions Are Right for Your Business?

Blog Post
March 10, 2020

It’s not always easy to have “the talk.” You know, the talk about which IT solutions are needed to improve your business. When there are enough technologies and vendors out there to make your head spin, pinpointing what you need is quite the endeavor. But there’s no reason to fret, we’ve compiled a list of where we suggest you start.

Migration Services

There was a lot to love about Windows 7: software compatibility, speed, performance, you name it. That’s probably why Windows 7 still holds a strong position as one of the most widely used desktop operating systems at 31 percent. The only downside? Microsoft discontinued its support on January 14, 2020. This means that the operating system will no longer receive software updates that protect you and your customers from security breaches. That’s where we come in. With the help of our experts, you can feel safe making the upgrade to Windows 10, an enhanced version of its predecessor that offers better performance and increased security.

We’ve completed countless Windows 10 upgrades like the one below. Still need to make the switch? Get in touch with one of our experts today.

Hardware Installation

Depending on your business, you may need to upgrade what hardware systems you have in place to best serve your customers. However, it might not always be clear what exactly is needed or if upgraded versions of your current hardware are available. Luckily, Teksetra is happy to provide you with the support you need. Our expertise combined with our range of hardware offerings, which boast some of the most reputable brands across multiple industries, could be the answer you’ve been looking for. Our offerings include document scanners, printers, payment terminals, digital signage solutions, and more.

Cloud-Based Software

In order to get the best out of your software, you have to be able to use it—no matter where you are. With cloud-based software, your staff have access to the services they need to do their jobs at any time and from any location. Cloud-based software offerings fall into three major categories, including Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). You can find out more about how they differ and what your organization may be in need of here. There are also many free—albeit, with limited functionality—and affordable versions of cloud services you can find online. Among the most popular is Google’s own G Suite, which is a great entry point into cloud computing that features applications for documents, data processing, presentations, and more.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robots are giving dogs a good run for their money for the title of “man’s best friend.” We don’t mean the scary types of robots that you see in sci-fi movies, however. These robots are here to help you. How? By taking over (hah, get it?) some of the most unfulfilling job responsibilities. Let’s face it, it’s unlikely that responsibilities like data entry, managing email traffic, and filing digital documents top lists of the most fun things you can do at work. But that’s where the robots come in. Through robotic process automation technology, you can automate these and other digital office tasks that are known for slowing down progress at work. This gives you time back in your day to work on other projects that you probably find more fulfilling.

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)

VoIP refers to technology that enables communication through calls and videos through an internet connection. Unlike traditional phone lines, VoIP services let users communicate either for free or at a drastically lower rate than they would have to pay a phone provider, as long as both are connected to the internet. And if you’re worried about VoIP requiring expensive hardware and installation, don’t fret. Most VoIP systems require little-to-no installation, as they’re typically designed to work with existing equipment. VoIP also enables users to communicate with more than one user at a time, making them ideal for holding conference calls or meetings.

With so much technology at your disposal, there are more ways to get ahead now than ever. Interested in learning more? Contact us today.

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