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Top 4 Reasons to Consider IT Outsourcing

Blog Post
April 22, 2019

When companies need a little help with their tech projects, they often turn to IT outsourcing for backup. And it’s a popular option — according to Statista, the global workforce spent about $62 billion U.S.D. on IT outsourcing in 2018.

But how can you be sure if an IT support service is right for you? Here are the top four reasons why IT outsourcing could be a good solution for your business:

1. Your company has an issue with bandwidth.

If your company is working at full capacity, then it may struggle with managing unexpected tech issues or large projects that require most of your team’s attention and energy.

Support for Internal Team

Most companies operate with a small IT team, if they have one at all. Unfortunately, less IT team members means less projects they can work on simultaneously. And if they are focusing on your business projects, they may not be able to handle tech issues that pop up without compromising their current workload.

An IT outsourcing team will be able to step in and make up for the man-power that you’re lacking so your team members can focus on their normal responsibilities.

Large-Scale Projects

Large-scale projects can be difficult for a small IT team to handle, if your staff even has the skill set to work on them at all. In these instances, you can rely on an IT outsourcing team to manage and execute the tasks needed for your project.

Whether it’s a one-time event, like an office relocation, or an on-going service, like managing IT security, having the support of a dedicated team outside your company will provide you with a better end result than trying to manage everything in-house.

2. Your team lacks the technology or skill.

According to a recent Forbes article, a growing need for tech skills is one of the main reasons companies turn to IT outsourcing.

Assistance with Specialized Projects

While your internal IT team may have a general skill set to assist with daily operations, they may not have the capacity to complete a specialized project outside their normal responsibilities. Bringing in an outside team of experts would better prepare your team for potential challenges and provide the experience and technology to deliver the results you need.

New Ideas and Perspectives

A new team can bring a fresh perspective to old challenges. While you’ve been looking at the same problem the same way, IT outsourcing provides an opportunity for solutions that your team may have overlooked.

 3. It makes financial sense for your company.

One of the most common tech mistakes companies make is thinking that IT outsourcing is too expensive for their budget. But partnering with the right company could actually save you money.

Variable Rate vs. Fixed Expense

Hiring an IT team to work on specific projects as you need them means you’ll be spending less than the cost of keeping a full IT team on payroll to handle issues as they come up. And depending on the size of the project or how much your internal IT team can help, most IT outsourcing companies can provide a pricing scale to fit your budget.

Increased Efficiency and Accuracy

Relying on a small or untrained team to handle your technology could result in disaster for your business. Resolving an oversight, delay, or mistake could wind up costing your company more than if you pulled in a team that knew what to expect from the beginning and was able to deliver the correct results on time.

4. It enhances your business operations and service.

IT outsourcing can free up resources so your team can do more with their time — which means your business can do more for your customers.

Streamlined Operations

Hiring experts to handle your IT projects means that your team is able to focus on your business, rather than trying to learn new skills or stretch resources across too many projects. And an IT project management team can also quickly resolve any unexpected tech issues that occur, preventing interruptions in your daily operations.

Improved User Experience

With experts behind the wheel, you’re going to get better results for your business projects. This means things will run more smoothly for your end users and customers, who will benefit from better, faster, more efficient service with a team that can focus on their needs.

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