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How Outsourcing IT Help Desk Services Can Benefit Your Team

Blog Post
December 29, 2020

A help desk will help you resolve technical issues faster and keep your customers happy, but running a help desk requires extensive resources. Not every company can afford to employ a full team of help desk personnel to assist their customers, and not every company even needs to.

Many companies choose to outsource help desk calls to experts using a trusted IT support partner. Outsourcing your IT help desk services can help your business and customers in several key ways. Your customers will get the help they need to troubleshoot their issues, and you and your team will be free to focus on your core competencies. This support is always helpful and essential, but it’s critical during COVID.

What is a Managed Help Desk?

Help desks provide consistent, critical support to employees or customers of an organization. For that reason, a team with technical knowledge and troubleshooting experience should run the help desk.

A managed help desk is when a business outsources level 1 and 2 IT support request to a trusted service provider. When users need support, they will use a ticketing system, call, or email to contact the managed help desk. The managed help desk will provide instruction or remote the user’s device to help resolve the issue.

Problems an Outsourced Help Desk Can Solve

Your outsourced help desk can support many different issues. Some of the most common include:

  • A slow computer or device.
  • Inability to print.
  • Inability to access a shared drive.
  • Trouble syncing a device with Microsoft Outlook or another app/service.

Benefits of Outsourcing Help Desk Services

Outsourcing your help desk services can have many key benefits for your organization, including:

  • Efficiency: A managed help desk provides one place for IT requests, which streamlines the process for users and the IT team. Employees can easily and quickly submit issues, and the managed help desk team can fix them quicker. You’ll save time with unnecessary manual processes, allowing your employees and IT departments to focus on more pressing tasks.
  • Improve workflow. The help desk will help you track metrics so that you can uncover IT trends. You’ll be able to pinpoint common IT pain points and then address these issues on a larger scale to prevent them in the future.
  • Cost-savings. Employing an in-house help desk team is a considerable expense, especially if you consider benefits. An outsourced help desk allows you to tailor your services to fit your needs while still meeting your budget.
  • Flexibility. With an outside provider for IT support, you can offer employees more flexibility. Your outsourced help desk will be available outside of peak hours, which gives you and your team peace of mind and greater flexibility to work from anywhere, anytime. Right now, this is even more important as many employees work from home due to COVID-19. Offering them flexible support is vital for keeping your business on track.
  • Access to industry-leading resources. With an in-house help desk, acquiring the latest IT equipment is up to you. When you outsource your help desk, you get access to more resources than you otherwise could. An outsourced help desk levels the playing field, allowing even small businesses to take advantage of the latest technologies.
  • Highly trained specialists. In addition to resources, a third-party IT firm can also provide expertise. Outsourced tech specialists are highly trained and have a wealth of helpful experience. This gives you a strategic advantage, ensuring that your help desk can effectively troubleshoot the problems that arise. You get the benefit of highly-trained experience without having to pour the resources into training an in-house team.

See how else IT project management can help your business in this post.

IT Service Desk Management

Outsourcing your IT help desk services can help your business in many ways, especially during and after the pandemic. With a managed help desk, you can provide top-level technical support to your employees and customers without the financial and time strain of an in-house team.

Teksetra offers quality IT support, including help desk services, on which you can always rely. Our flexible, secure IT support options include network and server support, security, outsourcing, help desk support, and staffing. To learn more about how we can help your business via help desk support, get in touch.

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